Saturday, September 23, 2023

25 Years of Wedded Bliss for Jeff and Susan

Earlier this evening, two of my oldest friends, Jeff and Susan, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary (following an eight-year engagement)! Sylvia and I were delighted to attend the celebration, reconnecting with some old friends over a scrumptious catered Ukrainian dinner. 

We were delighted to see that our old friends Michael and Naomi showed up for the party, too. 

Squeaky chicken party favours for the win!

Two happy couples!

Three happy couples! (Context: I met Susan, Jeff, and Michael back in 1987 via the University of Alberta Star Trek Club.) 

We also got to meet Susan's lovely Aunt Mary, who we picked up on the way to the event. Plenty of Jeff and Susan's loved ones were there, and we reconnected with Korch, who Sylvia and I met independently before we'd actually met each other. It's a small world after all . . .  

Thanks, Jeff and Susan, for inviting us to this lovely affair, and Sylvia and I both hope that you'll enjoy many, many more loving and happy years together. 


  1. We're all the same as ever, which is gratifying, only we've all taken hits from Oldenizer rays. They're like Berthold rays, just a bit slower is all, and not quite so many mind-altering seed pods. Well, a few mind-altering seed pods.

  2. It was a privilege to celebrate Jeff and Susan’s 25 anniversary. Such a beautiful celebration!
