Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Sedan with Highlights

For this 28mm-scale sedan, I wanted to push myself a little harder with regard to authenticity. I started with off-white primer, then applied several thin coats of light red, black for the wheels and windows, silver for the rims and lights, and a splash of yellow for the licence plates. Then, somewhat trepidatiously, I applied one coat of shading. While it filled in the recesses as desired, it also muddied the car's paint job (in this case, "paint job" meaning the toy world). But I'd planned for this. I drybrushed light red over the dirtiest parts, but left some areas dark and applied lots of drybrushing to the raised surfaces and anywhere the most sunlight would likely strike.

You can see the highlights a little better from this angle. 

Altogether, this was a reasonably successful experiment. 


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