Tuesday, October 12, 2021

First Year Schedule at the University of Alberta

While digging out more stuff to recycle or throw away, I came upon a 1987-88 day timer with precisely one thing written in it: my course schedule for my first year at the University of Alberta. 

Philosophy 240, Religious Studies 200, English 200, and Political Science 200 were all first-year intro courses for those particular fields. History 280 was, I believe East Asian history from...something to 1500. Anthropology 250 focused on--I think--racism. Or at least that's what I remember most about it. 

Ironically, my best subject that year was Religious Studies; I earned a 9 out of 9 on the old stanine system they used back then. I really liked the prof, and he liked me, inviting me to guest lecture a couple of times. Man, it was weird when I used to do stuff that involved other people and volunteering and so on...


  1. misplaced my schedule
    my locker has my textbooks
    combination lost

  2. where's the exam room?
    I search through endless hallways
    semester dream state
