Monday, April 19, 2021

On the Rooftop


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't look at a door like that and not think of "The Room".

    Strangely, despite how shambolic that movie is, its ending has a lot of emotional impact for me. It makes me think that if only there were a little more budget we could have resolved a conclusion where it shows that despite their catastrophic faults, the characters could have found the peace they were all searching for.

    It's not hard to transfer that to the real world, and the dark revelations of the cast of "The Disaster Artist": perhaps with greater grace, so much of the selfish tragedy those stars created could have been avoided. Not so much a redemption, but at least a non-judgmental reckoning and reconciliation: a stronger sense of purpose.

    Then too, how we search for that grace in our own lives... I guess that's where "The Room" hits me, despite its technical bungling. A most Earlian outlook, and a lot to ask from a small plastic door.

  3. Now all I can think of is what a great diorama that scene would make. YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, SHYLUK!
