Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Farewell Aunt Margaret

Last night, Mom received the news that her oldest sister, Margaret (Etsell) Newton, had passed away in Winnipeg at 88. You can see Mom at the far left beside Aunt Margaret, with Aunt Jean and Aunt Marjorie, respectively, on the right. 

I'll miss Aunt Margaret. She was kind, compassionate, warm, intelligent, and accomplished, and she had a smile that lit up the room. My thoughts are with my Uncle Gordon, my cousins David, Kathy, and Barbara, my aunts, and, of course, Mom. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am sorry for your loss. I was just scrolling through and this is the first that I caught this post. I lost my uncle in Alberta in March, and we are yet to hold a memorial for him. His family wants it when we can all safely gather again. This is a nice tribute to your aunt.
