Friday, December 28, 2018

The Fleet Gathers

At long last, I have repaired and repainted the entirety of my A Call to Arms: Starfleet miniatures. They're all the same colour now, except for the black Section 31 ship at centre, a little invention of mine. The next step is to apply the custom decals I ordered a while back, but I need to wait for some materials to arrive before I can tackle that task. Once that's accomplished, I can actually bring (some of) these ships to battle against Steve in our long-delayed points-based campaign. 

1 comment:

  1. Depending on your decals, all I can say is that they can be a real bear to apply. If you can get some practice decals, that would help a lot. Otherwise, I found decals to be a one-shot deal. I know you're supposed to be able to slew waterslide decals, but the ones I used on your globe stuck instantly in place like crazy glue.
