Sunday, July 08, 2018

G&G XIII Poster

I finally hung my print of Jeff Shyluk's amazing poster for Gaming & Guinness XIII. To learn how Jeff approached the project, you can visit his blog here, here, and here. Vroom! 


  1. Thank you for posting this, Earl. Ordinarily, I prefer to use my own printer subcontractor, but your printer looks to have done an excellent job with my master file!

  2. Ha, mine was up two weeks ago! I know, I know, it's not a race - well, it is, kind of, but..

    Anyways Jeff, this is BRILLIANT work and I am proud to have it hanging up in the Batcave even though it meant displacing the lace picture of a 900-year-old pub in Nottingham. I love the fact that at first glance it looks like the kind of upscale art onemight expect to see in a typical man cave, because the nerdy elements and personalized bits are blended in so well. Bravo!

  3. Thank you for your very kind words! It was very much a fun project to complete, and although it took quite a bit longer to paint than I thought it would, the experience was highly enjoyable. And now Earl has a sports poster in his room, that's a shock right there. Well, it is nerdy, and I really liked doing those parts.
