Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Things to Look Forward to in 2018

One year ago today, I wrote about some of my hopes for 2017. To my surprise, a lot of the items on my list worked out quite nicely, including Mom and Dad's big birthdays, our tenth wedding anniversary, our trip to see the solar eclipse, G&G, voice acting lessons, seeing friends, paying down some of the mortgage, and the return of Twin Peaks and Star Trek, which both exceeded my expectations.

We didn't finish all the house projects we wanted to, and we didn't wind up doing much to celebrate Canada 150. But by and large, Sylvia and I made the most of a difficult year.

For 2018, my number one hope is a big one: health and happiness for my loved ones. And really, if that one comes true in 2018, I'll consider myself blessed beyond measure.

My second biggest hope is that I can ensure Sylvia has a great birthday celebration in October. She has a big one coming up, so we're hoping to head to New York for the occasion.

Gaming & Guinness comes in May, and that's always a blast.

More prosaically, some projects I'd like to work on:

  • Get my home office in shape
  • Pick up new office chairs for Sylvia and me
  • Pick up some DVD storage for the theatre room
  • Replace aging theatre room seats
  • Start thinking about replacing the hot water tank
  • Read 150 books
  • Get Mom and Dad's Super 8mm home movies rescanned in HD
  • Get closer to finishing the big Woods family photo scanning project
So those are my hopes for 2018, some modest, some not. We'll see what we can accomplish. 

1 comment:

  1. Those are great goals. I love how you committed them in writing. It is interesting how they are similar to ours. I think from now on I will just use yours from now on. Less thinking and effort. :)
