Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Foods I Don't Understand

1. Pork Rinds
2. Goodies
3. Turkish Delight
4. Fruitcake
5. Quivering Jell-O salad
6. Bubble gum
7. Meat pies
8. Organ pies
9. Liver
10. Beets
11. Rutabaga
12. Circus peanuts
13. Mayonnaise
14. Cauliflower
15. Sausage
16. Egg yolk
17. That one chocolate in the box with an orange or yellow centre
18. Pringles
19. Green or yellow jujubes 
20. Those sort of chewy but hard and sticky brown generic Halloween candies in the black and orange wrappers
21. Pea soup

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