Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Career in the Dumpster

Yesterday Sylvia and I took some stuff to the dump. Along with an old bar fridge, a trio of ancient computers, and a few bits of scrap metal, I also threw away most of my leftover campaign signs from the 2008 Alberta provincial election. I hadn't intended to attribute any significance to getting rid of old junk that was cluttering up the house, but when the signs hit the bottom of the dumpster I must admit I felt a little sad. So I snapped one last photo to mark the occasion.


  1. It's just a temp job, hardly a career. (trying to be cheerful, not my strong suit)

    Did you happen to save any signs?

  2. It was an interesting moment in time that you got to experience! You don't need a pile of signs to cherish that.

  3. I saved one or two, Jeff. I might get one framed at some point. And yes, you're quite right, Sylvia.
