Sunday, April 10, 2016

ABA Card

I can scarce believe that once upon a time I was involved in organized sports, but here's the proof - a scan of my Alberta Baseball Association membership card. I find the automatic use of the male pronoun interesting; maybe there was a separate card for girls and women?

I was a pretty terrible baseball player. During the two or three years I was involved, I think I may have managed one single, one double, a few walks and I may have scored as many as three runs. I was pretty good at losing with grace, though.

Oddly enough, Scott and Mike were having a discussion about children in sports last night, and at one point I said "But in gym class, they taught us that winning didn't matter, that what was important was that we had fun."

Mike delivered a pretty sick burn: "I think, Earl, your teachers meant to say that you didn't need to worry about winning."

Oof. But I laughed!

1 comment:

  1. Pop
    Don't drop
    It: you'll die
    Of embarrassment
    And you'll be the advertisement
    For losing with grace; outfield errors won't win this game
    A shift of time and place: the little league field or the company team, it's all the same
