Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Frisbee Follies

Yesterday's post included a Frisbee. I don't remember what happened to that glow-in-the-dark model, but the pink Wham-O that preceded it met a bitter fate sometime in the mid-1980s.

My next-door-neighbour and friend Keith and I were winging the Frisbee back and forth across the front yard with all our strength, when suddenly Sean ran between us. I don't remember if it was Keith or me that flung the Frisbee at exactly the wrong moment, but the catastrophic result is forever seared on my mind: the flying disc was broken in twain by Sean's head. Sean himself fell crying to the ground.

Fortunately Sean was more startled than hurt, but I still find it amazing that the impact was severe enough to shatter the disc. It wasn't quite broken in half, but it split in two all the way from one end to the other, the two halves held together by just an inch or so of plastic at the rim.

Play safe! 


  1. That's exactly the sort of damage you could repair with a melted-down Wham-O Moonlighter. And, in recognition of Sean's concussion: that's exactly the sort of damage you could repair with a melted-down Wham-O Moonlighter.
