Monday, February 22, 2016

Reading the Campbells

Along with the Hugo and Nebula, the John W. Campbell Memorial Award is considered in some circles as one of the triumvirate of important SF awards. Since I'm tracking my Hugo and Nebula tallies, I figure I should add the Campbell to the list. Here, then, is the list of Campbell nominated works to date; the ones I've read are noted in bold.

Beyond Apollo, Barry N. Malzberg
The Listeners, James E. Gunn
Darkening Island, Christopher Priest

1974 (two winners)
Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke
Malevil, Robert Merle
The Embedding, Ian Watson
The Green Gene, Peter Dickinson

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, Philip K. Dick
The Dispossesed, Ursula K. LeGuin

1976 (no winner; special award presented to The Year of the Quiet Sun, Wilson Tucker)
The Stochastic Man, Robert Silverberg
Orbitsville, Bob Shaw

The Alteration, Kingsley Amis
Man Plus, Frederik Pohl
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, Katherine Wilhelm

Gateway, Frederik Pohl
Roadside Picnic and Tale of the Troika, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

Goriana, Michael Moorcock
Altered States, Paddy Chayefsky
And Having Writ..., Donald R. Bensen

On Wings of Song, Thomas M. Disch
Engine Summer, John Crowley
The Unlimited Dream Company, J. G. Ballard

Timescape, Gregory Benford
The Dreaming Dragons, Damien Broderick
The Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe

Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban

Helliconia Spring, Brian W. Aldiss
No Enemy But Time, Michael Bishop

The Citadel of the Autarch, Gene Wolfe
The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica, John Batchelor
Tik-Tok, John Thomas Sladek

The Years of the City, Frederick Pohl
Green Eyes, Lucius Shepherd
Neuromancer, William Gibson

The Postman, David Brin
Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut
Blood Music, Greg Bear
Kiteworld, Keith Roberts

A Door into Ocean, Joan Slonczewski
The is the Way the World Ends, James K. Morrow
Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card

Lincoln's Dreams, Connie Willis
The Sea and Summer, George Turner
The Unconquered Country, Geoff Ryman

Islands in the Net, Bruce Sterling
The Gold Coast, Kim Stanley Robinson
Dragonsdawn, Anne McCaffrey

The Child Garden, Geoff Ryman
Farewell Horizontal, K.W. Jeter
Good News from Outer Space, John Kessel

Pacific Edge, Kim Stanley Robinson
Queen of Angels, Greg Bear
Only Begotten Daughter, James K. Morrow

Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede, Bradley Denton
The Difference Engine, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
The Silicon Man, Charles Platt
Stations of the Tide, Michael Swanwick

Brother to Dragons, Charles Sheffield
Sideshow, Sherri S. Tepper
A Fire Upon the Deep, Vernor Vinge

1994 (no award)
Beggars in Spain, Nancy Kress
Moving Mars, Greg Bear

Permutation City, Greg Egan
Brittle Innings, Michael Bishop

The Time Ships, Stephen Baxter
The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson
Chaga, Ian McDonald

Fairyland, Paul J. McAuley
Blue Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson
The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell

Forever Peace, Joe Haldeman
Slant, Greg Bear
Secret Passages, Paul Preuss

Brute Orbits, George Zebrowski
Starfarers, Poul Anderson
Distraction, Bruce Sterling

A Deepness in the Sky, Vernor Vinge
Darwin's Radio, Greg Bear
Greenhouse Summer, Norman Spinrad
The Silicon Dagger, Jack Williamson
Starfish, Peter Watts

Genesis, Poul Anderson
Ash: A Secret History, Mary Gentle
Calculating God, Robert J. Sawyer
Infinity Beach, Jack McDevitt
The Fresco, Sherri S. Tepper

2002 (two winners)
The Chronoliths, Robert Charles Wilson
Terraforming Earth, Jack Williamson
Probability Sun, Nancy Kress
Dark Light, Ken MacLeod
Deepsix, Jack McDevitt
Fallen Dragon, Peter F. Hamilton
Hammerfall, C.J. Cherryh
The House of Dust, Paul Johnston
The Meek, Scott Mackay
Nekropolis, Maureen F. McHugh
Pashazade: The First Arabesk, Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Passage, Connie Willis

Probability Space, Nancy Kress
Kiln People, David Brin
Hominids, Robert J. Sawyer
Bones of the Earth, Michael Swanwick
Dark Ararat, Brian Stableford
The Golden Age, John C. Wright
Lion's Blood, Steven Barnes
The Separation, Christopher Priest
The Visitor, Sherri S. Tepper
Vitals, Greg Bear

Omega, Jack McDevitt
Natural History, Justina Robson
The X President, Philip Baruth
The Braided World, Kay Kenyon
The Changeling Plague, Syne Mitchell
The Companions, Sherri S. Tepper
Darwin's Children, Greg Bear
Jennifer Government, Max Barry
Memory, Linda Nagata
Red Thunder, John Varley
Sister Alice, Robert Reed
Star Dragon, Mike Brotherton
Storyteller, Amy Thomson
Untied Kingdom, James Lovegrove
The Wreck of the River of Stars, Michael F. Flynn

Market Forces, Richard Morgan
Air, Geoff Ryman
The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
The Boy Who Would Live Forever, Frederick Pohl
The Child Goddess, Louise Marley
City of Pearl, Karen Traviss
Gaudeamus, John Barnes
Newton's Wake, Ken MacLeod
The Plot Against America, Philip Roth
The Rebel, Jack Dann
The Well of Stars, Robert Reed
White Devils, Paul J. McAuley

Mindscan, Robert J. Sawyer
Spin, Robert Charles Wilson
The Summer Isles, Ian R. MacLeod
Accelerando, Charles Stross
Child of Earth, David Gerrold
Counting Heads, David Marusek
Learning the World, Ken MacLeod
The Meq, Steve Cash
Mind's Eye, Paul J. McAuley
Seeker, Jack McDevitt
Transcendent, Stephen Baxter
The World Before, Karen Traviss

Titan, Ben Bova
The Last Witchfinder, James K. Morrow
Blindsight, Peter Watts
Farthing, Jo Walton
Dry, Barbara Sapergia
Glasshouse, Charles Stross
Infoquake, David Louis Edelman
Living Next Door to the God of Love, Justina Robson
Nova Swing, M. John Harrison
Odyssey, Jack McDevitt
Rainbows End, Vernor Vinge
A Small and Remarkable Life, Nick DeChario
Sun of Suns, Karl Schroeder

In War Times, Kathleen Ann Goonan
The Yiddish Policeman's Union, Michael Chabon
The Execution Channel, Ken MacLeod
Axis, Robert Charles Wilson
Bad Monkeys, Matt Ruff
Brasyl, Ian McDonald
Deadstock, Jeffrey Thomas
HARM, Brian W. Aldiss
Mainspring, Jay Lake
The Margarets, Sherri S. Tepper
The New Moon's Arms, Nalo Hopkinson
Rollback, Robert J. Sawyer
Time's Child, Rebecca Ore
Zig Zag, Jose Carlos Somoza

2009 (two winners)
Little Brother, Cory Doctorow
Song of Time, Ian R. MacLeod
The Philosopher's Apprentice, James K. Morrow
Anathem, Neal Stephenson
City at the End of Time, Greg Bear
Valley of Day-Glo, Nick DiChario

The Windup girl, Paolo Bacigalupi
Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd Century America, Robert Charles Wilson
The City & the City, China Mieville
The Caryatids, Bruce Sterling
Galileo's Dream, Kim Stanley Robinson
Gardens of the Sun, Paul J. McAuley
Makers, Cory Doctorow
Steal Across the Sky, Nancy Kress
Transition, Ian M. Banks
Wake, Robert J. Sawyer
The Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood
Yellow Blue Tibia, Adam Roberts

The Dervish House, Ian McDonald
How to Live Safety in a Science Fictional Universe, Charles Yu
The Quantum Thief, Hannu Rajaniemi
Anthill, E.O. Wilson
Aurorarama, Jean-Chrisophe Valtat
Blackout/All Clear, Connie Willis
C, Tom McCarthy
Hull Zero Three, Greg Bear
New Model Army, Adam Roberts
Veteran, Gavin Smith
The Waters Rising, Sherri S. Tepper
Yarn, Jon Armstrong
Zero History, William Gibson

2012 (two winners)
The Islanders, Christopher Priest
The Highest Frontier, John Slonczewski
Embassytown, China Mieville
Osama, Lavie Tidhar
Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
This Shared Dream, Kathleen Ann Goonan
Soft Apocalypse, Will McIntosh
Dancing with Bears, Michael Swanwick
Robopocalypse, Daniel H. Wilson
Home Fires, Gene Wolfe
Seed, Rob Ziegler

Jack Glass: The Story of a Murderer, Adam Roberts
The Hydrogen Sonata, Ian M. Banks
Any Day Now, Terry Bisson
Existence, David Brin
The Rapture of the Nerds, Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross
Empty Space, M. John Harrison
Intrusion, Ken MacLeod
Railsea, China Mieville
The Fractal Prince, Hannu Rajaniemi
Blue Remembered Earth, Alastair Reynolds
2312, Kim Stanley Robinson
Slow Apocalypse, John Varley
Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson

Strange Bodies, Marcel Theroux
Lexicon, Max Barry
Proxima, Stephen Baxter
The Circle, Dave Eggers
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Karen Joy Fowler
Hild, Nicola Griffith
The Cusanus Game, Wolfgang Jeschke
Ancillary Justice, Ann Leckie
The Disestablishment of Paradise, Phillip Mann
Evening's Empires, Paul J. McAuley
The Red: First Light, Linda Nagata
The Adjacent, Christopher Priest
On the Steel Breeze, Alastair Reynolds
Shaman, Kim Stanley Robinson
Neptune's Brood, Charles Stross

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, Claire North
The Race, Nina Allan
A Darkling Sea, James L. Cambias
The Peripheral, William Gibson
Afterparty, Daryl Gregory
Europe in Autumn, Dave Hutchinson
Wolves, Simon Ings
The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu
Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel
Defenders, Will McIntosh
The Bees, Laline Paull
Bete, Adam Roberts
Lock In, John Scalzi
The Martian, Andy Weir
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
Echopraxia, Peter Watts

To date, I have read 82 of 261 Campbell winners and nominees. That amounts to about 32 percent of the list. 

The Campbell lists seem a little more eclectic to me than the Hugos or the Nebulas, and while there is some overlap with the other major awards, on the whole the Campbells have a more cosmopolitan flavour, with what seems to me a good balance between popular, literate and weird choices - not that any of those are mutually exclusive. Perhaps that's because the Campbells are judged by a select group of jurors, rather than by fan vote (the Hugos) or the wider membership of the Science Fiction Writers of America (the Nebulas). 

Aside from recognizing good work, the chief benefit of literary awards is their ability to provide curious readers with lists of new books to read. Certainly in putting together this list I find myself curious about a number of writers that are new to me. These lists are also handy for carrying with you at used bookstores! 

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