Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Christmas Play

Here are some happy, some bored, some bemused children at the Leaf Rapids Education Centre sometime close to the Christmas season in, perhaps, 1975, or perhaps '76, or perhaps '77; surely no later than that. I recognize Melvin in the plaid vest and blue shirt standing in front of the stage, centre left, and I believe that's my cousin Carol Ann kneeling next to me on stage in the second row of children; I'm wearing the green vest, which I believe my mother sewed for me. Was this the year I portrayed the Wizard of Garbage in the play of the same name? I don't remember. 


  1. Hi Earl, I found your blog looking for photos of Leaf Rapids. My family also lived there in the 70's. We left in '78 for Calgary. I was showing my parents your photos this weekend as they are so similar to my childhood photos and lo and behold they pointed out my sister is in this photo. She's the one holding the letter H. It was great to go through and have them recognize a lot of the locations. thanks for sharing your memories and the more recent pics. (janeogilvie@mail.com)

  2. Hi Jane,

    I'm glad you've enjoyed my photos of Leaf Rapids. Thanks very much for commenting! Leaf Rapids was a magical place, and I still miss it sometimes despite those long, hard winters.
