Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Another Milestone

This April The Earliad received more visitors than ever, or at least more page views: nearly 9,500. When I started this blog ten years ago I never imagined an audience larger than a few friends and family members, but as you can see from the graph (which only goes back to 2007, unfortunately), traffic has increased slowly but steadily. I appreciate everyone who drops by, and I hope that the daily posts or the archive provide a quantum of entertainment.

I'll be spending the next few days at Gaming and Guinness VIII, so posts until Sunday will be very short - probably just an image of one of the day's activities.

1 comment:

  1. 10,000 a month... we could switch blogs for a while if the dizzying number of looks is too much for you. I get 1/1Oth your traffic. It's definitely time for you to monetize.

    If I require pictures of Juvenile Earl reading a book (not being facetious, occasionally I'll have a project that demands that) The Earliad is my go-to source.
