Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Picture 2011

Last year and the year before, I managed to watch all of the films nominated for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences "Best Picture" Oscar. This year I managed to watch only one of the nominated films, Moneyball, and even that only a single day before the awards broadcast. 2011 was simply too hectic to keep up with everything, and this year it was the movies. (I wasn't particularly interested in this year's crop of nominees anyway, but I'll see them at some point.)

Even though seeing only one of the Best Picture nominees should probably disqualify me from commenting on this year's winners, I always have a lot of fun guessing who will take home the Oscar trophies. Unfortunately I was too busy to watch the broadcast last night, but I did steal a few minutes just before the show began to pick my winners. Correct picks are bolded.

Best Picture – The Artist
Actor in a Leading Role – George Clooney
Actor in a Supporting Role – Christopher Plummer
Actress in a Leading Role – Meryl Streep
Actress in a Supporting Role – Octavia Spencer
Animated Feature Film – A Cat in Paris
Art Direction – Hugo
Cinematography – Hugo
Costume Design – Hugo
Directing – Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
Documentary Feature – If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front
Documentary Short Subject – The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom
Film Editing – Hugo
Foreign Language Film – A Separation
Makeup – The Iron Lady
Music – Hugo
Music (Original Song) – Man or Muppet
Short Film (Animated) – The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Short Film (Live Action) – Pentecost
Sound Editing – Hugo
Sound Mixing – Hugo
Visual Effects – Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Writing (Adapted Screenplay) – The Descendants
Writing (Original Screenplay) – The Artist

14 out of 24. Not great, and it didn't even come close to matching the winning contestant at Steve's annual Oscar party.  On the other hand, not bad considering I saw barely any of the nominated films in any category, never mind Best Picture!

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