Monday, August 08, 2011

Trolley Fail

I love trains, though I've enjoyed only a few train trips, including one VIA journey to Calgary as part of a school field trip. I don't even remember what we did in Calgary, but I loved the ride! I loved the clatter of the steel wheels against the track, the freedom to stroll up and down the aisle, the leisure of staring at the scenery.

So today I wanted to try out Edmonton's newly refurbished High Level Bridge trolley car, now restored to its early 20th century condition.

Sadly, I waited at the wrong stop, and watched it trundle past with a cheerful clang-clang. I'll try again later this week...unless my plans are derailed once again.

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  1. I've been on the trolly many times. Highly recommended!

  2. That Sean guy is an idiotMonday, August 08, 2011 4:25:00 pm


  3. That Sean guy is an idiotMonday, August 08, 2011 4:26:00 pm


  4. So the old one is gone now? its just that Red one?

  5. Welcome to the Summer Blog Challenge. I'm sure it's not much of a stretch for ol' Blogaday Woods, but it's nice you thought to include us in your journey.

  6. Thanks Liam! I'll be checking in with the others regularly.

    Shaun, I believe the Japanese one is being repaired or refurbished.

  7. Go soon. They are running out of volunteers to keep it going.

  8. It's sad a lot of people don't know about the Trolley in Edmonton. I brought my nephews on it once and they loved it. I think its a great experience and more people should at least have taken one ride on it in their lifetime.

  9. So are you going to ride the rails this week? Or have you been sidetracked?

  10. I rode the rails today, Andrea, because I have a one-track mind.

  11. But I thought it was a trolley? You'd have to ride the monorail to have a one-track mind...
