Friday, May 20, 2011

Albertan Graffiti

I snapped this passionate but futile snippet of graffiti back in the early 90s. The provocateur's call was ignored by all but a few. Amazing to think that that was only about halfway through the era of Tory rule in Alberta so far. Heck, for all we know one day the 90s will be considered the early years of Alberta's never-ending Tory dynasty...

"Jug-eared buffoon" seems pretty unkind nowadays, especially considering the former premier's progressive dementia. I'm sure even the person that scrawled this, however justified his or her anger, probably wouldn't want any political foe to suffer what Klein is suffering now.


  1. I always loved that picture. It makes me laugh.

  2. Me too. I remember very clearly when you first showed me that photo. It's an epigram I will never forget.
