Friday, March 18, 2011

Earl vs. the Coach Handbag

Today I met Sylvia at West Edmonton Mall after work.

"I bought a new bag!" she said, eyes gleaming as she held up a large, squarish rainbow-striped bag. It seemed to be made of paper. "It's a Coach!"

She mentioned how much she paid, and I stared at the bag, somewhat dumbfounded. I tried to hide my reaction.

"It sure doesn't look like that bag is worth that much money, but if it makes her happy..." I thought.

My dubious expression must have given me away, for Sylvia suddenly stopped explaining the bag's virtues in mid-sentence.

"Earl. EARL. This is not the bag. This is just a shopping bag. The Coach bag is inside."

"Oohhhhhhh," I said.

She's since shown me the real bag, and I must admit - it's a beauty. Much nicer than the shopping bag!


  1. Hey Earl!
    I don't mean to be nosey, but I linked you through the story going on with inco in thompson, mb - which brought me to your post of re-visiting flin flon with the wife.
    awesome read, btw... I'm from thompson & found the story heartwarming. I just moved to edmonton and noticed that you're also in the big city! well...I really must get to bed (GF is poking me as I type this), but I'll get back to you soon....would like to read more of your stuff!

  2. Always nice to hear from someone who's lived way up in the wilds of northern Manitoba, Garrett! Glad you enjoyed the story of our trip - I'm currently working on a sequel about the time my brother and I went back up north.
