Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Viva Blahg Vegas updated

I've used my new scanner to scan some old negatives from our Las Vegas trip, and I've added a few of those photos to the relevant old posts: Viva Blahg Vegas and Viva Blahg Vegas, Part II. One of these days I'll have to finish the story of that the meantime, here are a couple of the first photos from that trip, a shot of Sylvia waiting patiently at Edmonton International Airport and one of her at our hotel room in Vegas:


  1. That second photo makes me think that you and Sylvia should go as the Joker and Harley Quinn some Halloween, but what I really want to know is: who was reading that copy of American Gods by Neil Gaiman on the airport seat, you or her?

  2. I'm not sure how new your blog background is, but I quite like it.

  3. Sylvia would make a good Harley Quinn, and it might be an easier sell than getting her to dress up as Black Canary or an Orion slave girl. I was the one reading American Gods, but oddly enough, the trip was so jam-packed that I barely touched it, and I haven't yet gotten back to it.

  4. Sylvia looks so pretty!
