Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Harry Potter and the Procrastinating Reader

When the Harry Potter series began and took the publishing industry by storm, I promised myself that I would read the series when J.K. Rowling completed it. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released almost three years ago, and only now have I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first book in the series.

But I think I'll finish the series quickly, because Rowling's style is crisp, her characters engaging, her world one that I'd love to visit. I was taken in by the big plot twist, and it's always pleasant to be surprised, especially by a children's book. I look forward to seeing what happens next to Harry and Ron and Hermione and Dumbledore and Snape and all the rest.

Speaking of what happens next, I'm rather surprised that I've managed to remain spoiler-free so far, despite having delayed my consumption of these books. No spoilers in the comments, please, or I'll be forced to curse you. Don't mess with me, I started playing Dungeons & Dragons when I was 12 and I've been refining my skills recently.

I envy the experience of the countless boys and girls who were fortunate to grow up with these books. It must have been a wonderful experience, reading the first book at around the same age as the protagonists and growing up alongside them. The fantasy series I grew up with were already completed long before I came along, and featured adult protagonists - I'm writing here chiefly of the Tarzan and John Carter novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Had I been born a decade earlier, I might have had a similar experience following Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the gang through high school and university on television...but alas.

1 comment:

  1. I got in just in the nick of time so we could join in the anticipation of the final book. Fenya and I went to the midnight release party and had a great time. In addition to being a fantastic morality tale that deals with friendship, loyalty, and grief just as much as adventure, Rowling has done what I consider to be the best-single person world-building job since J.R.R. Tolkien. The trivia potential alone is awesome, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the series.
