Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sean's Ride to Conquer Cancer

Sean explains the background here, but to make a long story short, Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks back. Fortunately it was caught early and Mom will be okay after some chemo and radiation therapy. Mom's always been in excellent shape and so far she's kicking cancer's butt as if Bruce Lee were taking on the Three Stooges. Of course Dad has been steady as ever in helping her get through this.

In response, Sean has decided to participate in the 200-km Ride to Conquer Cancer. Please visit Sean's personal Ride to Conquer Cancer page if you'd like to donate.


  1. Great snakes! Count us in for pledges! Jeff & Susan

  2. Thanks Jeff and Susan!

  3. Bruce Lee versus the Three Stooges.

    "Welcome to my island, Mr. Lee. I am Krahn. Everything you see here is owned by me. All of these people here obey me. You do me a great honour by coming here at my invitation, Mr. Lee. You have my gratitude.

    Tomorrow, we will begin the contests. Tonight, I insist that you partake of the pleasures of my little island.

    Have a Three Stooges Day, Mr Lee: eat, drink, and beat Larry!"
