Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 may not have quite the scientifictional ring as 2001 did, but thanks to Arthur C. Clarke it does possess some small degree of mythic power. While we're still a long ways away from sending people to Jupiter, I do have high hopes that new technology will benefit humanity in the teens. In the meantime, I'm still waiting for:

  • Flying cars
  • Jetpacks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Giant 1950s-style rockets (i.e., smooth and silvery, with fins) blasting to other worlds
  • Ray guns (set to stun, of course)
  • Cooler robots
  • First contact with extraterrestrial life
I guess news of water on the moon and the regular discovery of cool new exoplanets will tide me over for a while. Enjoy what's sure to be another scientifictional decade, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. "Flying cars
    Artificial Intelligence
    Genetic Engineering
    Giant 1950s-style rockets (i.e., smooth and silvery, with fins) blasting to other worlds
    Ray guns (set to stun, of course)
    Cooler robots
    First contact with extraterrestrial life"

    All that must wait. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have to be won first and need to destroy Iran. We need few trillion dollars for that. Want to contribute.
