Friday, December 05, 2008

The Annex

I co-wrote and directed this video, prepared for last night's Legislature Press Gallery Christmas party. After a couple of weeks of hard work and stress, I wasn't at all sure whether or not the crowd of MLAs and reporters would like it, so I was very relieved when people laughed at all the right spots - and quite enthusiastically. My coworkers told me that Premier Stelmach, Health Minister Ron Liepert, and a number of reporters and broadcasters all had very nice things to say.

Whew. I was worried, because the video I prepared in 2006 was, frankly, terrible.

There are a few inside jokes here, since the video was directed at MLAs and members of the media, but there are still some chuckles for the wider Alberta audience.

I'm very grateful to Amanda Krumins, who came up with the idea of parodying The Office, to Kim Dewar, who acted as cinematographer, to Derek Volker, who handled the props and music, and to the Alberta Liberal MLAs and Alberta Liberal leadership candidate Mo Elsalhy, who were such good sports about the whole thing.

I'm most grateful to Kevin Taft, who provided the hobbyhorses and indeed the idea for the hobbyhorse scene. Kevin's self-effacing sense of humour really shines here.


  1. "This is the last straw" was so clearly a line written by you.

  2. Believe it or not, Harry ad-libbed that line!

  3. Very good Earl. My favourite was the Gerald Ford-esque trip on the way to the podium.

  4. Great job, and awesome ad-lib by Harry.

  5. Awesome job, Babe. Mo's reactions after stealing the straw was just like on the show. Something "Ryan" would have done. Hilarious....

    L, Syl

  6. Obedient Barbell would be the easiest person on the planet to please at Christmas time. All you would need is a functional Sharpie pen, a blank index card, and the correct spelling of the word "JOY".

  7. Sometimes, Windows crashes out when I try to view this blog. I think it's on account of the large YouTube file sitting on the front page, but I could be wrong.

    In unrelated news, I think Earl should grow a beard. I doubt I am wrong on this one.
