Last Saturday, Sylvia and I attended not one, but two wedding celebrations: one for one of her cousins, and one for my old friend Andrea and her beau Greg. Greg and Andrea were actually married in Germany back in December, but like the devoted friends they are, they've been travelling around the world to share their joy with their loved ones. Having known Andrea for over a decade and a half (!), I can say with confidence that Greg is a lucky guy, and even though I've only met Greg twice now, he seems to me to be a fellow of sterling character and most excellent good humour, a fine fellow indeed and a worthy match for Andi.
So congrats to both!
On a related note...

Attention Jeff and Susan Shyluk: Andrea kidnapped your umbrella. And now...

I have it! If you want to see your umbrella again, you must journey here, to Edmonton, with a shiny new Loonie and a willingness to play BRUCE LEE GAME!
Dear me, I look far more evil in that picture than I thought possible. Now I understand why some of my friends are just a wee bit frightened by me.
I wouldn't say evil Andrea .... maybe maniacal, crazed, insane. But thats just my opinion.
BTW Earl, do you haave any comment on the New Superman Movie?
The Superman review is coming.
That is a very nice picture of the four of us. It was great to see Greg and Andrea again and celebrate their union.
AS for the umbrella being held for ransom, I have nothing to do with that :)
The Superman movie was excellent, even the second time around.
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