Friday, December 02, 2005

New Job!

Just a quick note to say that starting January 4th, I'll be joining the Alberta Liberals as Communications Coordinator! I'm extremely excited about this, and look forward to helping bring about the political change that our province so desperately needs. Woo woo! It's going to be a fascinating experience and an invigorating challenge.


  1. Puke!



    And of course, congratulations.

  2. Hi Earl,

    Congratulations! It sounds like a fantastic role and I'm sure you'll be wonderful in it.

    Poor Sylvia, though. I hope the effect of the shock is now behind her.

    I'm happy for both of you. Best wishes.


  3. Congrats,
    We've had Kevin Taft to the newsroom a few times and he's quite enjoyable. Other than that, the party is in hurting financial shape and could use some good press.

  4. Congrats Earl.
    Who would of thought a young Conservative in High school would grow up to work for the Liberal party. Sniff. Sniff. Oh, Look our little Earl grown up.

  5. Great news, Earl. I've never been interested in politics, myself but I'm sure it'll be a pretty fun ride.

  6. Congratulations! At this point, in Alberta, even a drunken high-school dropout -- or a monkey -- could improve the party's image. So you, being none of these things, should have an easy time of it!

    Employment and vomit in one post; truly this is a red letter day for Earl's blog.

  7. Well done Mr Woods! Hopefully you find the challenges of this position as an exciting prospect!


  8. Yes, I got a little sick. Embarassing, perhaps but I have a pretty good sense of humor and it does sound funny. Thank God for Earl otherwise this posting could have really pissed me off.

    I would personally like to thank ALL of our family and friends for their support during this time of transition. We are truly grateful.

    As for Earl's new job, the Liberal's have no idea the talent and sensibilities that Earl will bring them. They are very lucky.

    You go, Babe. I'm so proud of you!

    L, Squishy

  9. Rob Vogt says:
    "Congratulations, Earl. Surely now the Klein empire can be toppled. And I cannot believe a beautiful woman is marrying you, but it is reality. I am sunk."

  10. New job, but no new blog?

  11. It's updated, you heartless, unforgiving fiends! Oh, the terrible price of fandom!
