Tuesday, October 03, 2023

A Visitor Arrives

Oh look, a visitor! Or rather, a Visitor. Looks like a harmless chap, and not at all a fascistic reptilian alien in human skin . . . 

The Visitor jeeps on V were white, so this model follows suit. I diluted the paint and applied, many, many thin coats, and while it the results look somewhat better than other models I've painted white, there are still some gloopy bits and visible brush strokes. I also messed up the hood a little in a misguided effort to get a little fancy. 

The Visitor himself looks better than my average mini--I'm particularly happy with the face, hair, hands, and the trademark Visitor black ball cap and dark glasses. 


  1. I think you may have overloaded your brush. Are you taking paint from the edge of the paint pool in your palette (never the pot)? Wiping off your excess on paper before applying on your model? It's getting there, you are improving.

    There are a couple of techniques to disguise brush strokes. One is to use small X-shaped strokes, criss-cross criss-cross, like a Hitchcock movie. Another is called "scumbling", which is using small, circular scrubbing motions to gradually apply paint. Mr. Miyagi's "wax on", but not "wax off". You'd x-hatch the underpainting and scumble the top layer, preferably in the lightest colour.

    I have no idea if you can use these techniques on such small models since they are usually applied to 2D canvas, but it should work.

  2. Getting better at not overloading my brush, but clearly I can still do more to achieve better results. I'll definitely try the criss-cross and scrumbling techniques!
