Saturday, August 26, 2023

Bernadette with a Blade

There's a fellow in Spain who creates very nice miniatures, but who for some bizarre reason takes as his inspiration characters from The Big Bang Theory. I believe this one is based on Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, portrayed on the show by Melissa Rauch. 

I started painting this figure before Jeff left his notes about painting fat over lean, so once again the results here look pretty clumpy. Jeff also notes that I should really use a pallet; I used to, but I've gotten lazy and I'm often painting out of the pots. So, time to return to that good habit. 

Still, I can scarce believe I managed to paint Bernadette's glasses, and the drybrushing of her dress, while imperfect, is better than I'd hoped for. 

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