Tuesday, March 07, 2023

To Ear Is Inhuman, to Condemn, Profane

Jeff and I were corresponding about Stable Diffusion and ears, and during that exchange I wrote, pithily, I thought, "To ear is inhuman, to condemn, profane," an attempted witticism on art and artificial intelligence. 

I liked my version of the classic phrase well enough to use it as a prompt in Stable Diffusion, but instead of producing one image, it produced 50 (I'd been trying to generate multiple iterations of something more interesting, and forgot to reset the counter). 

Obviously I'm not going to post all 50, but here's a selection of the most bizarre. Do you see the same common themes as me? 

1 comment:

  1. A) For Lent, I am giving up standing nude in front of my stereo system.

    B) All classical paintings shall now feature at least one spider-faced gorilla, so have I spoken, so have I decreed. I'm packing up my paints and brushes and booking a flight to Florence.
