Sunday, August 07, 2022

Carson Smith Has Weapons

Here's Carson Smith, one of the figures included in the Pulp Figures Rugged Heroes 1 set. Rather than try to ape the excellent paint job featured at the link, I gave my copy of Carson my own spin, styling him in blue, black, and white rather than shades of brown and tan. 

The Rugged Heroes 1 set comes with two weapons for Carson: this intimidating whip . . .

. . . and a deadly machete. Carson's metal hand creates enough friction to hold his weapons in place simply by shoving the grip between his pliable metal thumb and fingers. This gives the mini an additional level of versatility and immersion on the table, and I'm really glad Pulp Figures creator Bob Murch incorporates this feature in a few of his minis. 

My paint job is, well, serviceable. I need to keep practicing and fostering my eye for colour, shading, lighting, brush strokes, and all the rest. 

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