Monday, November 01, 2021

Insert Coins

Well, this is a mess. It started as a perfectly decent sculpt of a 28mm-scale arcade cabinet, but my slapdash paint job took all the charm out of it. My original vision was good, I think; I imagined a 1980s first-person shooter called ZBs (pronounced Zee Bees). You flew through space and used your joystick controller and buttons to navigate and shoot down the ZBs, giant golden alien spacefaring bees. 


  1. But... but... but.. didn't you post this exact same thing on October 25th?

  2. No wait, I just doublechecked. The left nacelle on this ZB machine is askew by 3/16ths of an inch to the widdershins as compared to the first one. Excelsior!

  3. Argle bargle accidental repost! Oh well, so mote it be. I blame society.

  4. I blame metanarrative. I also blame social media. And now thanks to life reliably being stranger than art, both of my observations are more than doubly true when combined. DOWN WITH METANARRATIVE!!!

  5. (whispering now) this of course happening now because Facebook is rebranding itself "Meta". And they are using the Métis flag* as their appropriated symbol. DOWN WITH META NARRATIVE!!! UP WITH MÉTIS NARRATIVE!!!!

    *More or less, anyways.
