Friday, June 04, 2021

Earl's Nut Ranking

1. Macadamia nuts. Balanced moisture, superb flavour, splits into pleasing halves, satisfying crunch, excellent with chocolate.
2. Brazil nuts. Excellent nutty flavour, nice moisture, good crunch, large size.
3. Pistachios. Pleasing green colour, excellent flavour, balanced moisture, but must be shelled; sometimes shells are impossible to crack and put teeth and patience at risk. 
4. Cashews. Technically a drupe, not a nut. Pleasing shape, divides into halves nicely, chewy texture, sweet nutty flavor; size varies widely.
5. Filberts. Solid crunch, splits nicely into halves, savory/sweet flavour, but only medium-sized at best.
6. Walnuts. Large size, excellent moisture, strong flavour; suffers in that the meat must be broken into pieces to enjoy due to the structure of its shell.
7. Peanuts. Signature peanut flavour, good crunch, medium moisture, but small size.
8. Pecans. Unsatisfying, over-soft texture, decent flavour, no crunch, medium-sized at best.
9. Pine nuts. Weird flavour, too soft, tiny; best used in pesto or other recipes. 
10. Almonds. Sharp, bitter flavour, very dry, medium size, has an unappealing "skinned" or "bleached" variant. 

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