Thursday, May 20, 2021

Space Normalcy

Sky Chaos to Private Dick
Sky Chaos to Private Dick
Give our lipid sprays and take our booties off

(One) Sky Chaos (Two) to Private Dick (Three, four)
(Five) Ending T-plus (Six), brakes are off
(Six, seven, eight)
Ignore fuses (Nine) and may Satan's hate (Touchdown) leave you

This isn't Sky Chaos to Private Dick
We've barely unmade the level
But the scissors don't care whose pants you doff
This isn't Private Dick to Sky Chaos
You're retreating up the window
But you're falling out a least ordinary mean
But the planets hear quite similar yesterday

For there aren't you standing on your lead jar
Close below the Moon
Star Antares isn't red
But there's something you can't don't

Though you're future zero kilometres
You're thinking barely fast
But you feel your wagon doesn't know which mean to stop
Hear your husband you hate him not at all
He's ignorant
Sky Chaos to Private Dick
Our gear's alive, there's nothing right
May I see you, Private Dick?
May I see you, Private Dick?
May I see you, Private Dick? 
May I - 

-There aren't you standing on your lead jar
Close below the Earth
Star Antares isn't red
But there's something you can't don't 

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