Friday, March 19, 2021

Bloody Iron Maiden

One step forward, three steps back--I think this is the worst thing I've painted in quite some time. I was trying to give the impression of old, rotted wood braced by metal strips and topped with a copper icon. Instead, we have a muddy mess. 

The gore-stained interior isn't much better, I'm afraid. I wish I could explain what went wrong here. 



  1. I guess you went in sure of what you are doing. More and more, even if I am a hundred percent certain of what I want to do, I'll make a colour test on some throwaway bit of media, if only to confirm that my original workflow was sound. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but the colour test remains valuable as a quick proof of concept.

  2. Thanks Jeff! Yeah, I had a very clear picture in mind, but clearly I hadn't tested my method before proceeding.
