Friday, November 06, 2020

Massive Damage Adventures: 3:10 to Salvation

Muckraker Peter Kent.

My friend and colleague Meric Moir has another podcast up; this time, he shepherds a band of adventurers through a bone-chilling train ride to Hell in "3:10 to Salvation," an adventure for the latest revision of the Deadlands roleplaying game. I play a supporting role as muckraker Peter Kent. Spoiler alert: I spend most of my time in the adventure taking photos of the action, but I do have a moment of derring-do later on. 

Listen to Part 1

Listen to Part 2

1 comment:

  1. I don't think 2020 is the right time for mauve shirts and pink neckties. I do own a white suit, but with nowhere to wear it, it sat in the closet all year.
