Thursday, September 03, 2020

Farewell, Kelly

I found out late last night that my friend and former colleague Kelly Fitzgibbon had passed away earlier in the day. I feel terrible for her husband and their two daughters and the many other people she touched during her all too brief life. 

What I remember most about Kelly is her consistent refusal to put up with anything she saw as unjust. She was a wonderful advocate for the marginalized and was speaking out for people the very day before she died. She also had a fantastic sense of humour, a great work ethic, and a huge heart. She shared her journey with cancer over social media and I always found her thoughts amazingly gracious, inspiring, and free of self-pity, even though she had every reason to feel sorry for herself. 

Kelly and I only worked together at the Alberta Liberal caucus for a few years, and we didn't stay in touch in person after that, though we connected on social media off and on. Even so, I still think of her as a friend and I value the time I spent working and laughing with her. 

I hope your destiny finds you in a better place, Kelly. 

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