Thursday, June 04, 2020

Decadence Quotient

At the risk of sounding like a corporate shill, I love the Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen. It's pure happiness in a plastic cup: ice milk, fudge, and peanuts. Terribly bad for you, naturally, but as a summer treat it's hard to beat. 

Not that anyone should do this, but I'll bet with sufficient funds and a lack of common sense you could make your own Peanut Buster Parfaits at home. You'd need 

1) An ice milk machine
2) A supply of whatever brand of liquid fudge DQ uses
3) Spanish peanuts (skins on) 
4) Tall plastic cups and long spoons

Assembly is simple. Place fudge and peanuts on the bottom level, then alternating layers of ice milk and fudge plus peanuts, finishing with a swirl of ice milk on top, topped with more fudge and peanuts. Yum!

The ice milk machine would be the most expensive part of the scheme. But how much could that cost? $10,000? $20,000? You could fold that into a mortgage. 
