Saturday, August 03, 2019

Earl of Green Gables, Day Two: The Irish Loop

For our first full day in Newfoundland and Labrador, Sylvia and I visited Cape Spear, the easternmost point of North America, and then drove the Irish Loop around the southeastern portion of the Avalon peninsula.
Throughout our trip to Atlantic Canada, I was constantly delighted by the flora and terrain, so different than the flat prairie I'm used to. You'll see a lot of photos of Atlantic landscapes in the days to come.
Seeing the Atlantic Ocean crashing against the rocks was a vision I won't forget. The power of the sea was palpable. 
Here's the first instance of one of the themes that Sylvia and I noticed on our journey: Atlantic Canada seems to have a multitude of churches and cemeteries. 
In truth, there are probably no more per capita than you'd find in any other province, but we certainly noticed them; perhaps our travel routes made the difference.
We also took note of the architectural styles, particularly homes, which seem much, for lack of a better word, fanciful than those of Alberta. Certainly the variety of colours and styles outshines the West. 
We enjoyed our first taste of Atlantic Canadian seafood at The Captain's Table, and to no one's surprise, it was superb. I enjoyed a repast of fish and chips, while Sylvia wisely partook of a seafood sampler. 
A Life Saver mint supports the restaurant's nautical theme. 
We spent virtually all of the day driving the Irish Loop, meandering through fishing villages and visiting lighthouses. 

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