Friday, August 09, 2019

Earl of Green Gables, Day Eight: The Citadel and Arrival in Fredericton

On our last day in Halifax, we toured the Citadel at the city's highest point. There's a great museum inside that details the strategic importance of Halifax over the last couple of hundred years.
We were lucky enough to arrive just in time to hear one of these go off with an earth-shattering kaboom.
This is how Halifax looks from atop the Citadel.
We left Halifax in the morning for Fredericton, where we were greeted by sunny skies and beautiful architecture. Fredericton has a lovely downtown and beautiful houses, but for now, here's the view from our fancier-than-expected hotel room.
In truth, though, we spent our first afternoon in New Brunswick...
...doing laundry. 

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