Friday, April 26, 2019

Quck Take: What We Left Behind

I can't say much thanks to a nondisclosure agreement, but I will say that What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a deeply moving, heartfelt, sincere, in depth, and fascinating examination of my favourite Star Trek show, Deep Space Nine. I watched it last night, and tears were shed. DS9 came along at a point in my life when I really needed it, and it was amazing to see the actors, writers, and other creators come together to share their memories of the show's production. Best of all was the reunion of the writer's room and the blocking out of an imaginary first episode of an equally imaginary (alas!) eighth season. And the newly remastered high definition footage is another highlight. If you're any kind of Star Trek fan and get a chance to screen this, don't miss it. The blu-ray is being released in a couple of months.

Special thrill: seeing my name in the list of credits on a Star Trek-related production. So totally worth the 50 bucks, above and beyond helping the film get made.

There you go, Ira, no spoilers. 

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