Sunday, February 17, 2019

Constitution and Eagle

I've finally applied decals to some of my models for A Call to Arms: Starfleet. Here are the Constitution and Eagle. Applying the decals is slow, frustrating work; they're tiny, and the starships have weird angles and obstructions that make it a challenge to get the decals in the right spot. Plus, as I feared, I painted the ships such a dark colour that the black and red decals don't show up very well against certain parts of the hulls. Fortunately, they look okay on the saucers, which is important since this is where the ships are identified. 


  1. Very good work! Your ships must be the pride of the fleet!

    Decals are fearsome. At least it's not gilding which is much the same but with gold. Well, maybe your custom decals were more expensive than gold...

  2. Thanks very much, guys. Some of the decals on the sides don't look nearly as good, but they're passable.
