Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Music Made the Shows Go Round

In my estimation, anyway. 


  1. Not having Magnum, P.I. proves your list is wrong.

    You made an error. You failed to detect your error; you made two errors. You failed to _correct_ your error; you made three errors. You are flawed.

  2. Magnum P.I., Knight Rider, and Miami Vice almost made the cut.

  3. Best? Favourite? Most iconic?

    Regardless, I am honestly surprised to see Bionic Woman get the nod over Greatest American Hero. And the original Star Trek, obviously

  4. Greatest American Hero almost made it too. Believe it or not, I'm not actually a big fan of the original Star Trek theme, much as I love the show! Alexander Courage made the list, though, with "The Waltons."
