Wednesday, September 19, 2018

We Come From Away to See the Play

On our second full day in New York, we take a walk through our immediate neighbourhood to see the sights before heading to Broadway for Come From Away. Manhattan is awash in food carts like this, and yet somehow I fail to remember to procure a genuine New York hot dog. Next time.
The New York Public Library is a bibiophile's dream. I could while away days in this gorgeous reader's Mecca, but alas, the play's the thing in just a couple of hours, and so our visit must be brief.
Off to see Come From Away at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater.
It's a beautiful old theatre, and the musical itself is lively, vibrant, and evocative. Even Sylvia, who doesn't usually go for musicals, enjoys it.
We travel through Times Square for the first time on our way back to the hotel. The advertising assault is like nothing else on Earth.
This was our day, September 19, 2018. 

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