Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Voyage Home

An early morning cab ride through Queens and we're back at LaGuardia, tired but happy. I knew I'd enjoy the experience, but I'm surprised by just how much I loved this city. Not for a moment did we feel unsafe or unwelcome. Both of us were amazed by what I now see as a true multitude of diversity, not just in terms of ethnicity and culture (though certainly that), but also in temperament, demeanor, fashion, attitude, occupation, even, if I may say unscientifically, aura. New York is perhaps the most worldly city I've yet visited, though of course I've never been to Europe, Africa, South America or Australia.
The greatest reward, though, is the sheer joy Sylvia experienced. She had a number of "New York experiences" that were lifelong dreams for her, and I'm so glad I was along for the ride to see her happiness.
So farewell, New York, and thank you. I hope we return one day. 

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