Sunday, January 07, 2018

Former Acklands, 2009

Shot by my brother Sean on black and white film on Mom and Dad's Canon T70 in 2009 in Leaf Rapids, Manitoba. Mom and Dad set up the store and Dad managed it until we left in 1979. I used to play in a bin of Zorbal in this building, and cut up my Star Wars novelization to photocopy the colour photo section. The results were disappointing. I also loved playing with the Telex machine and watching for incoming messages. And I was fascinated by the display of vehicle lights up on the wall near the ceiling behind the sales counter. One of them was a big red police or fire engine flasher, though I don't know if Dad ever sold any of those. 

1 comment:

  1. The Riker's Brain Writer's Strike Clip Show:

    I am pleased it's not parallel-universe deja-vu, I'm not quite ready to become a character in a Philip K Dick novel just yet.
