Sunday, November 05, 2017

Sunrise at the Edmonton Flying Club

Early this morning, Dad collected a birthday present we'd arranged back in January: a short ride in a small airplane at the Edmonton Flying Club. Dad has his pilot's licence and flew planes very much like this one years ago.
The instrument panels are a bit more advanced these days.
Sylvia went up with Dad while Mom waited in the lobby and Sean and I broadcast the takeoff and landing live via Facebook. What a world we live in!
Here's Sean broadcasting.
The plane, the plane!
The operators at the Edmonton Flying Club were extremely friendly and accommodating, allowing Sean and I to enter the hanger to shoot photos and videos. Dad and Sylvia had a good time, so it was worth braving the cold and an early wakeup call. 

1 comment:

  1. This post is so super awesome! Hope you got something warm afterwards.
