Saturday, August 19, 2017

Shadow Over America, Umbra: Gateway to the West

"You're not welcome in St. Louis!" The shout comes from an angry woman who sees us on a horse-drawn carriage tour of the city's downtown. Our driver apologizes and explains the woman is probably upset about the horse working in the heat of the day; she explains that her animal, Darth Vader, is well cared for and quite comfortable. The horse seems healthy enough, and it can't be denied that it's a beautiful creature.

The driver's well-intentioned explanation is meant to comfort us, but the frenzied woman made no mention of the horse; she seemed to be shouting at us, the obvious tourists in the carriage.

The day is too lovely and the tour too interesting to allow the incident to spoil the experience. Our driver is an excellent guide:

[insert video]

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