Thursday, August 31, 2017

Mike T's Big Birthday

This is probably the best photo I've taken of my friend Mike. Mike is an exuberant sportsman and often gets injured, which is why you see him here in a cast. Today Mike celebrates a milestone birthday, which seems as good an occasion as ever to say how fortunate I feel to have known him for lo, the last 25 years or so. Mike's integrity, loyalty and sense of humour never fail to impress. Since we're both shy guys, I'll refrain from embarrassing both of us further. Suffice it to say - Happy Birthday, Mike, and here's to many more! 


  1. I would object to the characterization of "often injured" if I hadn't started my day by getting an ultrasound and x-ray for my latest injury.

    Not as serious as it sounds, but still.

  2. Well, more often than *I get injured, anyway. Get well soon!
