Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Nice Surprise in Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces

Today I finally finished the Twin Peaks Blu-Ray package I picked up in 2014 (!), so now I'm all caught up and ready for tomorrow's debut of season three. One of the reasons I bought the set (aside from having all the episodes and the movie together in once package, and in high definition, no less) was the inclusion of Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, a collection of deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, the 1992 follow-up film. I'd known for decades that there was a substantial amount of footage that didn't make it into the film, but when I watched The Missing Pieces today, I was shocked to discover that David Lynch had edited the deleted scenes into a 90-minute feature that almost works as a stand-alone episode (or film) of its own. I was even more taken aback by the way the feature ended - with an epilogue that takes place immediately after the closing moments of the season two finale! I hadn't the slightest inkling that Lynch had bothered to follow up the series finale in any way during the filming of Fire Walk With Me, and I'm really glad that I watched this before tomorrow's big return. 

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