Monday, January 02, 2017

Things to Look Forward to in 2017

From about the time that UK citizens voted to leave the EU through the election of Donald Trump as US President to the end of the year, I was pretty down in the dumps about 2016. The resurgence of right-wing nationalism around the globe is a pretty daunting thing, especially when people of my generation have enjoyed the long period of relative peace that characterized a good chunk of our adult lives.

Given the new global reality, it's almost certain that 2017 will be just as bad, if not more so, than 2016. So to gird myself for the next twelve months, here are some events I'm actually looking forward to this year:

  • Celebrating the 75th birthdays of both Mom and Dad.
  • Celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary with Sylvia. 
  • Seeing the August 2017 total solar eclipse in the continental USA. 
  • Gaming & Guinness XII. 
  • Star Trek's return to television. 
  • The return of Twin Peaks
  • Voice acting lessons.
  • Celebrating Canada's sesquicentennial, in particular by enjoying free access to the National Parks. 
  • More adventures in the world of Spirit of '77. 
  • Board game nights.
  • Finishing the last of our "house things" with Sylvia. 
  • Paying down more of our mortgage. 
  • Weekends in the theatre room with Sylvia. 
  • Finishing a couple of personal projects and starting new ones. 
  • Visiting friends. 
Things don't seem quite so bad when you realize there's still lots of cool stuff to live for. 


  1. If you visit us (and you should), then we can knock "visiting friends" off our to-do list as well, yay!

  2. I should add: when I was teaching Animation, the school nabobs stuck the Voice Acting class next to ours. We're trying to concentrate on line quality and the room next to ours erupts in lalalalaLALALALA oopoopoopoopOOPOOPOOPOOP criminyCREMONAcriminyCREMONA etc. Whenever they went quiet, I made sure my class got to study the Warner Bros. classic cartoons, and strangely enough the TV volume control was jammed at full. So the other room was treated to Carl Stalling and Milt Franklin music (you can hear it just by thinking about it), and RABBIT SEASON! DUCK SEASON! belted out at appropriate volume.

    Good times, good times, and the best of it was the voice instructor blinked first and begged to be moved away from us.
